Inboard, Outboard, and Sterndrive Boat Engines

Inboard Outboard and Sterndrive Boat Engines

Boats use different propulsion systems to move through the water, and the terms for these drive types can be confusing. Each type, and its variations, has its own pros and cons depending on what you enjoy doing with your boat. Some are better for water sports like wakeboarding and waterskiing, while others are good for…

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Understanding Marine Propulsion Systems

Marine Propulsion Systems

Marine propulsion is all about how we move ships through the water. Nowadays, there are various types of propulsion systems to choose from. In this article, we’ll take a quick look at the different methods available and how they operate. But first, let’s define what marine propulsion really means. What is a marine propulsion system?…

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Wet vs. Dry Boat Storage


What is the difference between wet storage and dry storage? When it comes to storing your boat, you’ve got two main options: wet storage and dry storage. Wet storage means keeping your boat in the water, like at a marina or in a slip, while dry storage involves storing it on land, either in a…

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Boat Maintenance Tips

Boat Maintenance Tips

Owning a boat is exciting and rewarding, but keeping it in top shape requires regular care, whether it’s in wet or dry storage. Regular inspections and preventive care help you identify and address issues early, potentially saving you from costly and time-consuming repairs down the line. In this article, we’ll provide key tips to help…

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Boat Storage: Where Should You Store Your Boat?

Boat Storage Options | Finding the Right Fit to Your Vessel 1

Owning a boat can be an absolute joy, but finding the perfect storage for boats can be a real headache. Whether you’ve got a small fishing boat or a larger yacht, you’ve got to figure out where to keep it when it’s not in use. Do you stick with the marina? Haul it back home?…

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